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Friday, June 25, 2004

"Got Gmail ! ", Great Idea...

Have you request an "Gmail Invite" yet ? What a great initiative. I am talking about the blog started by Mel... ( Thousands lined up for an early account invitation, already...All, started on June 14 th. And I posted my comment requesting an invite on the very next day, June 15th at 4.21 pm. So, it has been ten days. Well, if you are wondering whether I got the "Gmail" or not; Not Yet ... But I made to the "Canditates" list two days ago. This is progress, people...I am trying to predict as to when my "invite" will actually arrive, and its fun(kind of...) For those of you who are in line and/or considering getting in line and want to have some idea as to how long the wait time is, I was about the 200 th candidate. Therefore, it is safe to say, in about 11 days, less than 200 invites have been distributed. This gives about 15 people a chance, each day, to get an invite to a "Gmail account" ! How about that.... There is no clear telling though, in what order or based on what criteria the invites are distributed... That's ok... I just hope that a fair and balanced soul, will decide to extend one to me, sooner than later...And keeping my fingers crossed...


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