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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Corporate Blogging and Google

Computerworld report that,"Google, which implemented an internal Web log system behind its firewall about 18 months ago, has seen tremendous benefits from it and may in the future consider providing tools and expertise for this purpose to interested clients."

".... we have seen a lot of different uses of blogs within the firewall: people keeping track of meeting notes, people sharing diagnostics information, people sharing snippets of code, as well as more personal uses, like letting co-workers know what they're thinking about and what they're up to,"Jason Goldman,Blogger Product Manager at Google, said. "It really helps grow the intranet and the internal base of documents."

Google executives have talked in the past about the company's internal Blogger implementation, called Blogger in Google (BIG), and a Google employee even posted ascreenshot of a BIG page last year.

What does a professional, say like a Gartner analyst make of all this ? Article says, Allen Weiner, an analyst at Gartner thinks that "it's unlikely that Google will develop a version of Blogger that would compete head-to-head against enterprise document management products, but it's very possible Google will give Blogger some features in the future to make it more attractive for business use...ultimately, vendors will approach the emerging enterprise blogging market from two angles, first, there will be the enterprise document management vendors and the enterprise publishing software vendors tweaking their industrial-strength products to support blogging functionality. These companies will cater to organizations that need security, rich functionality and IT control. Second, there will be more lightweight products such as Blogger, which will do just fine for organizations that approach blogging from a more casual perspective" and concludes :

"What is undeniable is that there is a growing interest among businesses towards blogs as business communication tools, particularly among IT departments. There's a huge benefit in blogging for companies implementing IT projects. It's going to be a growing trend over the next couple of years."


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